I Hear the Baby Birds

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Hard Packages Come By The Truckload

I'm not complaining. Really, I'm not. But let me tell you about the last seven days:

1) DH has his aforementioned minor health issue that, despite its minorness (minority? minorinity?) causes him much pain and suffering and requires a good bit of my time and attention, as he is confined to bed for the better part of a week.
2) Various friends and authority figures have their aforementioned difficult conversations with me re: my kiddos.
3) We discover financial impropriety committed against us by someone we trusted.
4) We discover that we are the victims of click fraud and that two months of our advertising budget is drained away in two days. And is unrecoverable.
5) We have to terminate someone's employment. And this individual is NOT happy about it.

To be honest, I've had much harder weeks in my life. So I do have some perspective on the current trials. I know that in the grand scheme of life, I'm a mega-millions lottery winner. I have love and marriage and kids and parents and siblings and friends and health and brains and ability and education and happiness and freedom and help and support out the wa-zoo. I am rarely lonely. I am rarely depressed. I have a million, billion, trillion, googolplex more blessings than I deserve. And I know that counting them is one of the best remedies for self-pity in times like this.

But still I shake my head that life works this way. When things are going your way, it seems like everything's going your way and always will. When everything starts going south, it's like your life is one big black hole sucking all your resources down into an infinite void. Go figure.

I'm grateful to be old enough to know that this too shall pass. It may get worse first. But eventually the UPS truckloads of bad news will start to reduce down to Miata-sized carloads, and some good things will start arriving to counteract the bad, and before you know it I'll be blowing sunshine and handing out daisies with Pollyanna 'cause life is SO sweet. (I've been accused of Pollyanna-ism before. More than once. Let this serve as my public apology to all I've offended.)

But until then, know that I am down in the trenches, praying, crying out, trying to remember how to lean on Him who gives generously and without reproach. I need wisdom. I need strength. I need courage and fortitude and endurance. I need more than I have. This is where I am.


So. Enough about me.

Patty, my sister in combat. Would it comfort you if I said I think I know EXACTLY how you feel? It just stinks when your kid doesn't live up to your expectations for him, but it stinks DOUBLE when he does it in PUBLIC. It takes so much ENERGY, this parenting thing. I will pray for you!!!! To have the wisdom to see what is in his heart and to know how to address it effectively. I think the apology and notes are a good idea.

Tom, it's sad but true: It hurts you A LOT worse than it hurts them. You'll see. (Soon, I hope.)

Needleroo and Melissa: Thanks for the encouragement. It helps to know Patty and I aren't the only ones whose children aren't perfect.

Ok, I'm off now. In the next couple of days I hope to have a positive report.


  • At 6:22 AM, Blogger Dy said…

    Oh, sweetie, it does come in waves, doesn't it? {{{hugs}}} When Zorak and I begin to wonder if we're raising the modern day version of the Jessie James Gang, we have to remind ourselves "that's why we're here. they're little. they do that." It's our job to be humbled and loving enough to slog on through it all and keep reminding them that there's a right way and a wrong way to go about things.

    Zorak often says parenting is about repeating yourself ad nauseum for two decades, and hoping some of it sticks. ;-)

    As for the rest of the trials that have come your way, I'll be praying for that miata to come round the bend sooN!!



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