I Hear the Baby Birds

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Round Here

On The Other Side of the World

Were you as sad as I was to learn of Steve Irwin's death? Yeah, yeah, I know you could say it was only a matter of time... but really, don't all of us take risks every day just getting in the car and driving on the highway? Yes, The Crocodile Hunter took unusual risks, but he did so with passion. And enthusiasm. He had a rare gift for making us look at God's world with renewed wonder and making it seem fresh and adventurous. In a world full of too-cool-for-you celebrities, The Crocodile Hunter was never too jaded to express a genuine excitement for learning and exploring. His family's loss is a loss to all of us.

Round Here

The Counting Crows played in Atlanta this weekend, and guess who got to see them? Mamabird! And guess why? Because Mamabird's kid brother is a musician who plays with a singer/songwriter who opened for the Crows! So DH and eldest Babybird and I all got to hang out backstage with a bunch of very cool musicians (no, not the Crows - it's all very segregated, even backstage), but it was very exciting nonetheless. My brother was FABULOUS, if I do say so myself. He's been playing music professionally for about 10 years now, and it was a real thrill to see him perform in front of thousands of people. We've been to enough hole-in-the-wall bars and Arby's parking lots to see him play for dozens, so this was very gratifying.

Back to Real Life

School goes on. Math is a drag. Latin is rockin'. Everything else is just okay. But this is a short week, with the holiday, so I'm going to take what I can get this week and hope that things pick up soon. I'd like to avoid turning into Mean Mommy because we've had too many days of not getting to everything we should.

That's the news around here. Hope your week is going well. I'm still reading Eat This Book but haven't made much progress. Will take some fiction suggestions if anyone has read anything good lately.


  • At 10:17 PM, Blogger Patty in WA or Rover said…

    Book recommendation:

    Queen Lucia, by E.F. Benson.

    Motto of the entire cast: "Deep down, I'm really shallow."

    That being said, the author is a wonderful observer of human nature, and the books will make you spit wine all over them if you read them in bed like I do. And the writing is *wonderful*.

    Eg. Lucia has become mayor of her little town. She is immensely full of herself without this role; with it, she is over the top. She takes on all the gravitas of the job and is soooo impressed with all that she is and can do to serve the unwashed masses. That's the setup. (In fact, the job is a big nothing burger.) So here is the opening line of chapter four of the last book in the series:

    "Lucia did not find her new duties quite as onerous as she expected, but she made them as onerous as she could."

    Maybe you have to read to book to have that crack you up, but when you HAVE read the book, that line will just crack you up again and again.

    The good news: it's a *series*! The bad news: even series end. Now I am off to Eat This Book.

  • At 6:21 AM, Blogger Michael Krahn said…


    I just put the second of 5 parts about Counting Crows up on my blog.

    Found you through Google blog search because you mentioned the band.

    Check it out:



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