I Hear the Baby Birds

Thursday, April 07, 2005


This is a test:

1. What is inscribed in large friendly letters across the front of the must-read book for celestial travellers?
2. What is the most massively useful item an interstellar hitchhiker can carry?
3. What is the Answer to the Great Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything?

If you know the answer to one or more of these questions, you are invited to join me at the April 29 premiere of The Hitchhikers' Guide To The Galaxy. If you do NOT know even ONE of the answers, get thee to Borders and buy this book! You still have about three weeks and it is a short read. Movies are never as good as the books on which they are based (although PJ did come mighty darn close with LOTR, I admit). And you will only be cheating yourself if you walk into that theater without your massively useful towel that proves that you are cool and in-the-know and you read this book twenty years ago (like I did). Oops. Just gave away an answer AND a clue to my age. (As if THAT were any big secret. Ha.)

Seriously, if you're a Douglas Adams fan, the preview for this looks pretty fun. This is one book/series I don't mind seeing made into a movie. It's short, it's funny, and it's not so wonderful that you hate to see it ruined. (But please don't even get me started on the upcoming Narnia movie. I just don't have ANY faith that Disney can keep from Disney-fying Aslan. Sickening thought, no?)



  • At 5:55 AM, Blogger Mamabird said…

    For you guys? You bet. If you can drag yerself outta bed for the 11:30 service every once-in-a-while, I can surely drag MYself over to Gwinnett County. Every once-in-a-while.

    Going on opening day?


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