I Hear the Baby Birds

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Be quiet, everybody, be quiet...

When my daughter was two, a mama bird built a nest in the oakleaf hydrangea bush outside our breakfast room window. Daily we could hear the insistent "cheep, cheep, cheep" of those little birds begging their mama for tasty goody treats. "Lovely worms, oh yes, we loves them."

One night at Family Dinner Time (a ritualized event, held mostly daily, with its own set of rules upon which I will elaborate later) we were in full swing. Dad was explaining Dad stuff, Mom was hopping up and down getting food stuff, older boys were describing the latest cartoon episode, telemarketers were calling, doorbells were ringing. We're a pretty loud family. All of a sudden, in the middle of the chaos, my baby girl interrupts with her best commanding, do-what-I-say-and-no-one-gets-hurt voice:

"Beeee kwi-et, evwybody, beeee kwi-et. I heaw da babee buuds, I heaw da babee buuds."

(Which is to say, "Be quieet, everybody, be quiet... I hear the baby birds, I hear the baby birds." I had to type it in my best approximation of her squeaky little two-year-old voice.)

Of course, we all stopped to listen. She was right - it was Family Dinner Time for the baby birds, too. And ever since, whenever someone in this family needs to take the floor, the standard announcement is, "Beeee quiet, everybody, beeee quiet..."

So that's why I named this blog for the baby birds - because this is where I can take the floor. Did I mention it gets loud in my house? I'm looking forward to having a quiet place to think and say what I want to say.

More later.


  • At 5:27 AM, Blogger Dy said…

    Oh what fun! I love your new blog. Thanks for posting the link on the WTM boards.

    You've done a lovely job setting up your little bird nest here, and I can't wait to come here the baby birds, er, the mama bird, take the floor. :-)

    If you need sidebar help or help with anything on here you'd like to do, I'm not an expert by any means, but I can translate from code to laymen's terms quite well. Just lmk if you need anything.


  • At 11:47 AM, Blogger Mamabird said…

    Thank you, Dy! I think I will take you up on that offer of help! I would love to figure out how to add some pictures and some links. I will email you soon.


  • At 5:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It's about time you had the floor!

    Ru Ru


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